Message from President / Secretary

Greetings from the President and Secretary.

Esteemed Members of the North Zone Orthopedics Association,

We wish to express our deepest gratitude for entrusting us as the President and Secretary of our esteemed association. We are humbled and are fully committed to serving you with unwavering dedication. We assure you that we will work tirelessly to fulfill our responsibilities and uphold the values and principles of our our deepest gratitude for entrusting us as the President and Secretary of our esteemed association. We are humbled and are fully committed to serving you with unwavering dedication. We assure you that we will work tirelessly to fulfill our responsibilities and uphold the values and principles of our association.

In line with our collective goals, we would like to share some of our major visions and plans for the association. Our primary focus will be on three key areas: membership expansion, website enhancement and social media presence, and academic improvement.

Membership Expansion: Recognizing the strength lies in our numbers, we will strive to increase the membership base of our association. By fostering an inclusive environment that encourages participation from orthopedic professionals across the region, we can leverage diverse expertise and experiences to enrich our collective knowledge and foster collaborative opportunities. We will work to update and digitize the membership records and ensure that all new members have their membership numbers.

Website Enhancement and Social Media Presence: A strong online presence is essential in today's digital world. We intend to revamp our association's website, making it more user-friendly, informative, and engaging. By providing easy access to resources, educational materials, and updates, we can facilitate seamless communication and knowledge exchange among our members. Furthermore, we aim to build our presence in social media through popular websites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. This will enable the association to have a wide outreach and attract more members.

Academic Improvement: Continuous learning and professional development are vital to staying at the forefront of our field. We are passionate about organizing workshops, courses, and seminars that offer high-quality educational experiences. By promoting research, sharing best practices, and encouraging scholarly collaboration, we can advance the level of orthopedic care across the North Zone.

These are just the initial steps and we wholeheartedly welcome your ideas, suggestions, and active participation in shaping our association's future. Together, we can achieve remarkable advancements, foster camaraderie, and drive positive change in the orthopedic community. Please feel free to reach out to us with any thoughts, concerns, or ideas you may have.

With best personal regards,

Prof. Sudhir Garg

President, NZOA

Dr. Siddhartha Sharma

Secretary, NZOA